Tag Archief van: PCT

Interview – Karel ultra runner ambassador


Krant het Nieuwsblad: Karel Sabbe op schema voor wereldrecord

Krant het Nieuwsblad: karel Sabbe op koers voor wereldrecord

Krant het Nieuwsblad: karel Sabbe op koers voor wereldrecord

Vlog 4 PCT : Quest for the Crest: getting to the High Sierra’s

Day 15 of the Quest for the Crest, the day before Karel – Magisaur – Sabbe reaches the High Sierra’s! They have difficulties meeting up… again… and Joe forgets the Satellite phone.

see also  vlog 1  – vlog 2 – vlog 3

Vlog 3 PCT: Quest for the Crest: where the pseudo rescue happens

Day 22 on the PCT but how about a little throwback tuesday to day 2? See how an innocent pseudo rescue mission took place. One of the many signs it is a dangerous undertaking that may not be taking lightly. One of the many things that happened leading to us getting a satellite phone!

Previous vlogs :
Vlog 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlVig…
Vlog 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_Mf…

Vlog 2 PCT: Quest for the Crest : day before and start